Cannabis Cultivation Licenses – WeCann

Applying for a commercial cannabis cultivator license in California is an extensive process. CalCannabis is the division within the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) responsible for licensing and regulating commercial cannabis cultivation. They work together with several other agencies to regulate the commercial cultivation of cannabis in California. There are multiple steps involved with getting licensed and being compliant with state laws.
Applicants must provide evidence of legal right to occupy intended property. If the applicant owns the property, they must provide the title or deed. If they do not own the property then they must provide legal documents with property owner’s information and documentation stating that the applicant has the right to use the premises for commercial cannabis cultivation and submit all documents filed with the California Secretary of State with their application.
Applicants must enroll in an applicable waste discharge program administered by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and submit applicable documents to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) with any final lake or stream-bed alteration agreement. They must also perform a property search using EnviroStor’s database for hazardous waste sites and submit a screenshot of the property address with their application and submit proof of compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Finally, applicants must be prepared to provide water source documentation with information for each water source used for commercial cannabis cultivation.
Licenses are good for one year and application fees apply. All cannabis licensees are required to use the California Cannabis Track-And-Trace system (CCTT) which tracks all commercial cannabis products from seed to sale.
For more information on the cannabis cultivation application process visit and contact one of our consultants to help you with your specific licensing needs no matter where you are in the process.