Live Q&A with WeCann Co-founders : Legal Cannabis Market Challenges

Here is an opportunity to join the co-founder of WeCann, Meilad Rafiei for a live Q&A as they discuss the legal cannabis market and the issues challenging local and state governments with illegal cannabis sellers.
March 30th 12pm PST Live on Zoom, Meilad will be taking your questions live during the event as well as answering any questions submitted to us up to the day of the event during the event. You’ll be able to ask your questions live and have them answered by the panel.
Registration for this upcoming Zoom event will open 03/23/21. Once registered, you’ll receive your zoom invite. More info to follow.
Remember to follow us on Instagram and check out our website for all the current event information.
On the eve of The City of Los Angeles getting ready to pass new legislation regarding fines and penalties for illegal cannabis retailers, Meilad Rafiei, President of WeCann, breaks down why illegal sales continue to be problematic for the industry and some of the steps being taken to help fight the battle.